
EXPO-Sciences Vostok 2020

Сonditions and link to pre-registration



MILSET - International Movement for Leisure Activities in Science & Technology – is the world largest organization aimed at engaging youth in science and technology through motivation, cooperation, and networking.

MILSET supports its member organisations to engage youth in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) through motivation, cooperation, collaboration, and networking.


Helping member organisations create a local or national environment to motivate youth to be involved in STEAM


Connecting, supporting, and representing member organisations around the world


Stimulating and supporting international youth networking and cooperation through STEAM


Providing member organisations with global opportunities to engage youth in STEAM

About us

The international exhibition of youth scientific research in the field of science and technology MILSET Expo-Sciences Vostok 2020 will be held since June 14th to June 20th in Almaty (the Republic of Kazakhstan) on the basis of the Turan Independent University.



MILSET Expo-Sciences Vostok is an international exhibition of youth scientific projects and initiatives, which unifies kids and students from different parts of the world, including Russia, the CIS countries and far abroad. This significant event develops interest in the educational activities and international cooperation of young scientists, as well as creates comfortable conditions for the exchange of cultural and scientific experience and enjoyable communication of young people.

Exhibitors will have the opportunity to demonstrate their projects to experts and visitors, get acquainted with the STEAM methodology (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) and other promising trends in education, take part in master classes and trainings in soft-skills and communication skills, listen to lectures by famous speakers, visit the mountain base of Turan University in the Bel-Bulak gorge and become part of a unique and colorful Evenings of national cultures! We are waiting for talented young engineers and researchers from more than 20 countries of the world, aged 9 to 25 years.

The exhibition is timed to the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi, who was born in the territory of modern Kazakhstan, who is the one of the greatest philosophers and scientists, who had a significant impact on the development of scientific and social thought in the East, rediscovering the culture of ancient Europe, and largely determined the development of statehood that time. The scientific and philosophical school he created had an impact on scientists, philosophers, statesmen, for many centuries.

MILSET.ESV milset.esv2020

MILSET Vostok initiatives


International Research School - is a new-generation science camp. Students from all over the world joined together into international teams conduct real research projects from setting the goals to obtaining the results. This type of joint research has proved to be very dynamic and absorbing. Students get totally immersed in the project. They are permanently in search for new solutions, and establish communication in the international team easily.

Science Tourism -  a new kind of tourism for young people. Tours to the most scientifically prominent places of the country: universities, science institutes, centres and museums. Tours that besides sightseeing have a large study part in their programs, that include lectures and workshops, lab, archive or field research. It is very important that the knowledge that children obtain during the Science Tour is transmitted by those who create this knowledge immediately (the teacher in the school also transmits the knowledge, but they themselves don’t create it).

Journal on Science Education (JOSE) -  It is a non-academic publication for people engaged in youth science outreach and promotion, including teachers, mentors, research supervisors, and scientists – in schools, post-secondary institutions, science centers, and youth science related organizations. Its main goal is to support educators in engaging youth in science and technology with a focus on strategies related to education, outreach, and promotion.

About Almaty

The modern metropolis that grew out of the body of the mountains and absorbed their rebellious restless spirit.

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Turan University

Turan University was founded and registered in 1992 in Almaty and is the core of the educational corporation.

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Preliminary program

June 14th Arrival and accommodation of exhibitors ...


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Air traffic

The travel agency “ASIA VIP TOUR” for the hotel and ticket reservations and Visa Support

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Scientific Disciplines
International Participants

Latest News


About Almaty

By Alem |March 10, 2020

The modern metropolis that grew out of the body of the mountains and absorbed their rebellious restless spirit.

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Turan University

By Alem |March 10, 2020

Turan University was founded and registered in 1992 in Almaty and is the core of the educational corporation.

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