ESV Categories


The science of life” projects; projects dealing with zoology, plant science (botany), anatomy, cytology, genetics, microbiology, and physiology belong to this category.

Behavioral and Social Sciences

Projects in this category should describe new behavioral traits of various organisms (including humans), their migration during a year or a longer period, behavioral changes during ontological development or a longer period. Authors should use appropriate statistics tools.


This category includes both organic and inorganic chemistry. Projects may be focused on various study fields ranging from the structure of atoms to complex organic molecules. Projects offering new efficient ways to produce substances are especially welcomed. Biochemistry projects belong to this category, as well. Chemical formulas and equations should be included.

Computer Science

This category is very broad. It includes both hardware and software. Concerning hardware authors may propose changes in structure of various computer components to enhance the total computer output. In software there may be new useful programs, CMS systems, own websites, games etc.

Earth Science

Includes studies of various processes going on in the Earth, such as earthquakes, wind patterns, continental and crust drifts etc. Authors should use formal scientific language, especially geology, physics, and mathematics expressions. Geodesy works belong to this category, as well.

Energy and Transport

Projects involved in this category should study the efficiency of classical power plants (water, nuclear, coal power plants), the usage of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil), and other raw materials. In projects dealing with transport authors may focus on the efficiency of common transportation means, the frequency of their usage, the cause of traffic jams in particular regions etc. Authors should also attempt to focus on alternative energy sources and transportation means.


Young engineers should apply their scientific, technical, and mathematical knowledge and experience to construct and make proposals of new mechanisms or parts of mechanisms that fulfill a desired objective. They may also propose new combinations of known mechanical parts.

Environmental Analyses and Environmental Management

Works in this category should analyze various environmental problems and impacts of human activity on nature. Authors should also try to propose new ways to eliminate or even solve these problems.

Electric and Mechanical Technology

Authors propose new components in common mechanisms to make them more efficient or they may devise brand-new mechanisms. They may also devise and implement new circuits and elements in electric devices.

Mathematical Science

In this category authors may present works and theorems of famous mathematicians with their own applications or proofs. They may also attempt to prove theorems or hypotheses that have not been proved yet.

Medicine and Health

Projects in this category should deal with human body, its anatomy, and diseases. Authors may try to test the effect of various substances or radiation on bacterial growth. They may also propose new healing methods.

Physics & Astronomy

Projects should include physical solutions to various problems, especially those that have not been solved yet. They may also support their solution with programs and simulations. In astronomy authors may present their observations of various celestial bodies (binary stars, asteroids, occultation, variable stars etc.) and they ought to use obtained data in order to draw results.

Technology and Biotechnology

In this category authors may propose new (mainly more efficient) ways of producing various substances and materials. In the biotechnological part, for instance, they should devise and develop new, innovative substances or ways that may speed up the growth of some crops or kill pests.