Sightseeing of Almaty and its surroundings


Ykylas Museum of Folk Musical Instruments 

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The museum building, decorated with carvings and folk Kazakh patterns, is an example of wooden architecture from the beginning of the last century. The museum’s fund contains not only Kazakh folk instruments, but also instruments of Turkic peoples from more than 40 countries of the world. There are 8 exhibition halls: the hall of the beginning of folk music, the hall of wind and percussion instruments, the hall of memorial musical instruments, the kobyz hall, the hall of the masters of manufacturers, the musical instrument hall of Turkic-speaking countries, the musical instrument hall of the peoples of the world.


Kasteyev State Museum of Art of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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In the Museum of Art you can get acquainted with the exhibits of decorative and applied art of the Kazakh people, as well as see works of painting by Kazakhstani and foreign artists.


Almaty Museum

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Almaty Museum is a large scientific and cultural center, representing the whole range of historical and cultural heritage of the Zhetysu region. Museum collections include about 35 thousand exhibits. Among them there are works of fine art, unique collections of Kazakh ethnography, as well as ethnography of representatives of the peoples living in Almaty now, collections of household items of various eras and cultures, numismatics, photos and documents.


Medeu Tract

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Surrounded by the magical mountain landscapes of Medeu Tract, there is the world's largest high-altitude ice rink, as well as a dam that protects the city from destructive mudflows that form on the peaks of the Northern Tien Shan.

The Medeu ice rink, located at an altitude of 1691.2 meters above sea level, is known throughout the world. It was built in 1972. The ice surface occupies 10.5 thousand square meters, which allows arranging competitions in speed skating, hockey and figure skating.  The mild climate in the gorge, the optimal level of solar radiation, low atmospheric pressure, gentle wind and clear glacial water - all this provided the alpine rink with wide popularity. The mountain valley was named after Medeu, a nomad who lived in the last century and broke his village in these picturesque places. The alpine skating rink is beautiful in any weather.


Ski resort Shymbulak

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The Shymbulak ski resort is located in the picturesque gorge of Zailiysky Alatau at an altitude of 2260 m above sea level, 25 km from the center of Almaty. At a height of 3163 meters above sea level, lifts start up. Majestic mountains with snowy slopes and eternally green Tien Shan firs appear to the right and left. Shymbulak ski slopes are certified by the International Ski Federation (FIS). Downhill and giant slalom tracks are rightfully included in the ten most difficult tracks in the world. 

The Shymbulak ski resort is an amazing place where your head is spinning from the crystal clear air, your eyes run up from the surrounding beauty, and your heart begins to beat more often from upcoming exciting adventures. Here everyone can find a rest for the soul.


Big Almaty Lake

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Big Almaty Lake is located 28.5 km south of Almaty, in the alpine gorge of the Big Almaty River (Ulken Almaty River in Kazakh), at an altitude of 2,511 meters above sea level. The lake, like a shimmering mirror, lies in the emptiness of the gorge, surrounded on all sides by majestic mountain peaks. Big Almaty Lake is fed by the waters of melting mountain glaciers. The lake, 40 meters deep, reaches a length of 1.6 km and is almost one kilometer wide. Rising 2 km above the light blue bowl of the lake, you can see the domed Tien Shan Astronomical Observatory located in the ancient glacial valley at an altitude of 2,700 m. After another 8 km, you can reach the Space Research Station near the Zhosylkezen pass. On the way back, you can also visit the Maiden Tears Waterfall.

Issyk Lake

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At an altitude of 1756 meters above sea level, there is a beautiful alpine lake Issyk, spread out in the gorge of the same name. The lake was formed about 10 thousand years ago as a result of a colossal mountain collapse, the result of which was the formation of a natural dam about 300 meters high. On the shore of the lake you can enjoy the indescribable beauty of the Issyk Gorge and the turquoise water surface.


Issyk State Historical and Cultural Museum

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One of the most beautiful gorges of the Zailiysky Alatau is Issyk one which runs along the Kuldzhinsky tract, where hundreds of years ago trade caravans passed. On the way, you can get acquainted with the history and nature of this region, as well as with the archaeological sites of Sak culture - burial mounds, where the famous Golden Man was found, which became the state symbol of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Visiting the Issyk State Historical and Cultural Museum provides a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the expositions devoted to the history and culture of the Sak period.

Turgen Gorge

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The Turgen Gorge is a picturesque vacation spot near Almaty, 70 km away, if one moves east. There are many attractions for every taste. Turgen Gorge is one of the outstanding advantages located on the territory of the Ile Alatau State National Park. In the gorge there are thermal wellness springs, unique waterfalls and forest open spaces. The gorge has many different coniferous and deciduous trees, alpine and subalpine meadow fields, lakes and springs. Everyone interested in traditional medicine will enjoy a pleasant surprise in the form of various medicinal plants. In the Turgen Gorge you can see the Bear Falls, which falls from a height of about 30 meters, located at an altitude of 1530-1550 meters above sea level.

  On the way to the gorge there is an Ostrich Farm, an interesting and very informative excursion.


Charyn Canyon

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Charyn Canyon, stretching for 154 km along the Charyn River in Kazakhstan, is located 195 km east of Almaty, near the border with China. Charyn Canyon is located on the territory of the Charyn National Park, created to preserve natural and geological objects. The national park was established on February 23, 2004. The park is home to a large number of rare and endangered species of animals listed in the Red Book.

Each part, each canyon is beautiful in its own way and very different from each other. The steep walls of one of the sections of the canyon, called the "Valley of Castles", resemble the towers of fairytale castles, arches and pillars, silhouettes of animals and people, and even a cell phone. For its natural beauty, Canyon Valley of the Castles is often compared to the famous Grand Canyon in Colorado.

In the tract Sarytogai in the park there are protected forests where one of the most unique trees on earth grows - Sogdian ash, which existed in the Paleogene era. Ashen grove is unique, the second similar grove is located in North America. Ashen grove is a specially protected natural monument under the auspices of UNESCO. The grove is about 5 million years old.


Kolsai lakes

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Kolsai Lakes are a system of three lakes in the northern Tien Shan, in the Kolsai Gorge, in the lintel connecting the Kungei-Alatau and Zailiysky Alatau ranges. The lakes are located on the territory of the Rayymbek district of the Almaty region of Kazakhstan and are located 10 km north of the border with Kyrgyzstan, 330 km southeast of Almaty at an altitude of about 1000 m, 2500 m, and 2700 m above sea level.

Kolsai lakes are one of the most beautiful places of Kazakhstan nature. They are also called the blue necklace of the Northern Tien Shan. Kolsai, translated from the Kazakh language, means “lake in the gorge,” because all three lakes are located in the picturesque gorge of the eastern part of the Kungei Alatau ridge, which is 300 km from Almaty.

The lakes are located at an altitude of 1800, 2250 and 2700 above sea level. The Kolsai River originates from glaciers located on the Kungei-Alatau mountain ranges, and flows in turn into three lakes: Verkhnyeye, Mynzholki and Nizhnyeye. The water in the lakes is fresh. Kolsai lakes are very deep. For example, the deepest place in the first lake is 80 m, and in the second - about 50 m.

Kolsai lakes are a favorite place for mountain tourists. Trekking to Kolsai Lakes is very light and suitable even for lay people. In addition, Kolsai is a wonderful place for picnics and horseback riding and mountain biking.


Kaiyndy Lake

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 Kaiyndy is a lake of the Almaty region of Kazakhstan, a popular tourist destination in one of the gorges of Kungei Alatau. Despite the low water temperature, Kaiyndy Lake is popular with diving enthusiasts. The main attraction of the lake is spruce, rising straight from the water.

Kaiyndy Lake (in Kazakh, “birch”) is lost in a coniferous forest, at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, in the middle of the Kungei-Alatau mountains. The name for the lake was probably given by an artificial birch grove, spread out next to the lake. Kaiyndy Lake with a length of about 400 m and a depth of almost 30 m was formed as a result of natural elements: water flooded the gorge, forming a natural gateway in the middle of the lake. Conifers were not completely flooded; their dried peaks proudly rise above the water, like the masts of a sunken squadron. From their peaks, you can enjoy amazing views of the gorges of Kaindy, Saty, the valley of the Chilik River.


The Golden Ring of Zhetysu

Chalk mountains of Aktau

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The chalk mountains of Aktau are located on the eastern edge of the Altyn Emel National Park. Mountains amaze with magnificence of shades. Aktau mountains formed millions of years ago. In those days, dinosaurs walked the earth, and in the place of the mountains was the ancient ocean.


Katutau Mountains

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 The Katutau Mountains are located in the eastern part of Altyn-Emel State National Natural Park. The mountains are formed by the frozen lava of two large volcanoes, once active in these parts. Confirmation of volcanic activity was the discovery of the remains of mud volcanoes in the area adjacent to the mountains. In the southeastern foothills of Katutau there are highlands, called the Tiger Mountains because of the color of the clay that compose these mountains. The breed is very fragile, and under the influence of water and wind erosion, bizarre figures were formed from it.

Singing dune

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An amazing natural object is a Singing Dune. Its length is 3 km; its height is about 150 m. Visitors will enjoy skiing and snowboarding on this sand. Sometimes a dune sings like an organ or buzzes like a jet engine. After the rain, the dune is silent. From the east and west, the dune is surrounded by the Big and Small Kalkan mountains, which almost close in the north. To the south of the dune, the Ili River flows.


Zharkent Mosque

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The town of Zharkent is located near the Chinese border, where you can get acquainted with the art of architecture of the late 19th century. The main attraction is the Zharkent Mosque, made in the Chinese pagoda style. This is the central mosque of the town of Zharkent, a monument of architecture of the XIX century. The mosque was built in 1895 according to the project of the Chinese architect Hon Piquet, with the funds raised by immigrants in the center of the town of Jarkent (Zharkent). Since 1982 it has been under state protection as a monument of architecture and history of republican significance.


Khoja Ahmed Yassawi Mausoleum

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The mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi is an amazing complex of palaces and temples, a masterpiece of architecture, an outstanding monument of medieval architecture. It is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The modern mausoleum in Turkestan, Turkestan region of Kazakhstan, was built on the burial site of the Sufi poet Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, who had great authority among the Muslims of the region and had a significant influence on Islam in Central Asia. He died in 1166 (67) and was buried with great honor in a small mausoleum.

The existing mausoleum was built 233 years after his death by the order of Tamerlan. In 1395, Tamerlan defeated Tokhtamysh Khan, the ruler of the Golden Horde, and burned the horde capital Saray-Berke. In honor of this victory, the commander decided to build a new, grandiose memorial complex on the site of the old mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yassawi, which by that time had become very dilapidated. In this decision, Tamerlan was guided by both religious beliefs and political goals. Building a mausoleum on the grave of a respected man, he asserted his power and strengthened his authority among the nomads of the steppe. Some historians believe that Tamerlan himself personally participated in the preparation of the project for the future mausoleum and gave instructions to its builders.

The mausoleum of Khoja Akhmed Yassawi is the central object in the territory of the historical and cultural museum-reserve Hazret Sultan.


Otrar fort

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Otrar was the town where the medieval philosopher and scientist al-Farabi was born and lived. The settlement of Otrar was founded in the 4th century BC. This center of trade and craft was the main point of caravan routes between Eastern Europe and China. At the end of the 13th century, the Mongol forces razed it to the ground. Despite the catastrophic consequences of the destruction, Otrar rose from the ashes and economically developed in a relatively short time. The remains of the citadel and other large buildings, the main gate and rabad, which area was about 10 square kilometers, have survived to this day.